Your Wishes and the Winners...

Whew! I'm 50 now and not feeling too different. Perhaps a little more tired than usual. I understand that I'm part of "the club" now. Wondering if there are some secrets I should know about this exclusive club?

Thanks to all of you for your beautiful birthday wishes. What an amazing group of blogging friends you are!

Let me just say that I was totally blown away by your comments for the birthday giveaway. Your thoughts, imagination and dreams were truly inspiring. If you didn't have a chance to read them, some of the most popular "dream birthday wishes" were about travel, namely Paris (but, of course!) I'd like to share a couple more wishes that were truly touching and imaginative...

Some of your wishes are...

• A kidney & pancreas for my wonderful brother.

•Shopping and lunch excursion with my daughter and then an amazing dinner with the rest of my family. I think the simple things are what I cherish the most.

•Family, friends, and lots of good food at my beach house. I don't really have a beach house, that is part of the dream. :-)

•All my health problems to disappear so I can enjoy life more.

•Shave 30 years off my actual age for about 30 days and see if i couldn't redo some choices a little differently.

• The ability to grant wishes!

Okay, I've left you hanging long enough. After a random selection of numbers, the winners of the Mega Birthday Giveaway are...

Christi (The Ultimate Wedding Organizer & Kai Perfume Oil)

Vicki Archer (IOMOI stationary gift set)

Carol Ludwig ($50 Gift Certificate from Paris Hotel Boutique)

Big thanks again to Mindy Weiss, and Irene Chen & Matthew Grenby, of IOMOI, for generously offering these fabulous goodies! And for helping to select the winning numbers!

Winners, please contact me with your address so that I can send you your gifts!

Thanks again everyone. May all of your wishes come true!!!

photo credits; 1. ozfan22, 2. beth retro, 3. *dragonfly*

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