The Mystery of the Floating Bed

Much thanks to Roséline at This is Glamorous for identifying the talent behind the beautiful floating canopy bed image that I posted this past weekend. I had stumbled upon the image on the web, but was mystified as to who the photographer was. I searched and searched with no avail. No photo credit was given to this talented artist {that's a topic I'll cover later}. In any event, Roséline was a great help with my endless search.

The artist is Vincent Olinet. French, but of course. The work is titled, "Pas encore mon histoire," and is an installation piece from the Lauren Godin Gallery in Paris.

I've located a French design blog that details this unique installation and have done my best to translate it into English. Follow along and enjoy the lovely photos and story behind them!

"Pas encore mon histoire," 2007
Floating bed, installation by Vincent Olinet
Presented by Galerie Laurent Godin, Paris
2009 in the Tuileries

A bed canopy floats elegantly over the basin. As it sails delicately, the cushions call for a romantic girl. A fairytale that appeals to little girls who love stories about beautiful Princesses in danger to be rescued by a Prince Charming.

Upon closer inspection the seemingly pristine bed reveals its yellowed blue and white veils. There are slight tears in the muslin and gold swags from heavy rain. The wonderful yields to the blows of reality and the nightmare is not far. The bed is a crumbling fairytale. The Princess is missing and Prince Charming is not coming.

Vincent Olinet anchored his four-poster bed in the Exedra north of the Tuileries Gardens. Pushed by the wind, the ghost ship drifted a few inches into the basin. Ducks climbed onto the bypass or white sheets at the risk of soiling. The bed was flanked by statues inspired by classical Greek mythology: on one side, Venus Callipyge (Aphrodite), the other Apollo chasing Daphne.

The time for fairy tales are over. Visitors gazed at the facility with pleasure, attracted by the sweetness of the first installation.

Wanna Join Me?

As you may have noticed, I've been having a grand old time with my latest obsession, Pinterest.

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking site that allows you to make ‘boards’ under any theme of your choosing and add to that board by linking images from anywhere on the internet!

I have always loved organizing things -- although I wish I could apply that organization to my housework. Pinterest lets you save any photo you come across on the web by just pressing a "Pin It" button and walla!

These are some random photos I've stumbled upon and added them to my "Think Pink" board.

My "Think Pink" Board

What more can I say? This is such a great way to organize your favorite things/photos all in one place.

Currently Pinterest is by invite only. I have some invites left, so if you'd like to join me, please leave a comment (email included...I'll need that to invite you). I promise you'll get hooked! I'm working on getting more invites so don't hesitate to ask...

Pinterest credits: pelicans;, chandelier;, dresses;, striped umbrella;, swimsuit;, woman in pink skirt; {This is not to say that these are the original photographers. Many have been "re-pinned" from other sites.}


Do you know what I've been doing all weekend? Hibernating in my home, heater full blast (it's bitter cold outside), and losing myself on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking site. I am thoroughly amusing myself finding photos on the the web and pinning them to my inspiration boards on Pinterest.

Yes, lots of hours that I could be... well...doing chores or reading a book perhaps...but this is way too much fun! Can't wait to share some of my favorite photos with you.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

photo credit: Vincent Olivet

Relax. Enjoy. Happy Weekend!

Wishing you peaceful, restful weekend! (I'll be working, but don't feel bad...ha!)

photo from Tumbler

Ada & Darcy

I recently discovered Ada & Darcy, the gorgeous blog of Australia-based interior designer Kellie Collis.

Ada & Darcy takes my breath away with Kellie's eye-catching photos of her own home, her DIY projects, and the pure & simple beauty that she admires.

Kellie has a passion for all things beautiful, especially fabulous interiors. She is always looking for new and gorgeous things for her interior design and styling business, and for her online store that will be opening very soon.

Her precious babies, Lily & Molly...

Colorful pillows & vibrant flowers grace Kellie's home...

If you're looking for endless inspiration, a romantic and ethereal place to get lost in, visit Ada & Darcy here. You may find yourself spending much time perusing it as I have! It's fabulous!

photo credits: Ada & Darcy

Summer Solstice!

Oops! The day almost went by without me wishing you all a Happy First Day of Summer! Today is supposed to be the longest day of the year. It kind of felt like it actually!

Wishing you all a wonderful summer filled with sun and fun!

photo credit: yvetteinufio

What Type are You?

This is the most fun interactive quiz from Pentagram that determines what kind of font or type (face) best matches you.

Based a four step process of personality questions, it takes all of 4 minutes of your time, and you'll get quite a chuckle!

After answering the therapist's impatient questions, it was revealed that I am "Architype Van Doesburg." I'm not particularly fond of this typeface, but who can question the therapist?

Click on this link to find out yours!

"The Coldest Winter I Ever Spent...

...was a Summer in San Francisco."-often attributed to Mark Twain, but of unknown origin.

Mark Twain did say, "Nobody ever wears Summer clothing. You wear black broadcloth--if you have it--in August and January, just the same. It is no colder, and no warmer, in the one month than the other. You do not use overcoats and you do not use fans. It is as pleasant a climate as could well be contrived, take it all around, and is doubtless the most unvarying in the whole world. The wind blows there a good deal in the summer months, but then you can go over to Oakland, if you choose--three or four miles away--it does not blow there."

So here is my unsolicited annual advice to those of you who plan on visiting San Francisco between June and August.

Bring one of these...

and you may need these...

Do Not bring these!

If you don't believe me, you may end up in Fisherman's Wharf buying one of these...

Happy Summer!

Whatever Your Plans Are...


Or night...

Have a fabulous weekend!

Fiona Richards' Latest Collection~ Tres Fabu!

You may have read an earlier post of mine about Fiona Richards, the talent behind Cartolina Cards. I was thrilled to receive a package from Fiona...a complete set of her latest line of cards & journals! Many with a French theme.

Cartolina is one of my favorite lines. I have a large stash in my drawer ready for any occasion. This new line is amazing! The designs feature centuries old block prints and antique cartouches.

Love these notebooks...

And a new line of small pocket mirrors. Great gift items. All vintage-inspired!

You can purchase Cartolina items online here at Modern Paper Goods. They are also available at these retailers.

And thanks Fiona for my wonderful goodies!!!

photos from here

Decadestwo VIP Passes Giveaway

Decadestwo is bringing their Hollywood red carpet style to San Francisco for a pop-up shop, to be held at the historic Fort Mason Firehouse, Friday, June 18th – Saturday, June 19th. In case you are not familiar, Decadestwo is the international retail destination for luxury consignment. 1000 of the best designer consignment pieces from the world's best closets and some unique celebrity collectibles will be available for purchase at this event.

We were able to invite 10 of our readers to the VIP event on Thursday, June 17th, 6:00-9:00 p.m. First dibs on luxury items at incredible prices.

To enter this giveaway, please email and put "Paris Hotel Boutique" in the subject line. The first 10 replies will be notified and added to the VIP list.

And locals, don't forget the Pop-up shop on Friday & Saturday. I'll be there shopping for sure! Uh Oh!

Decadestwo Pop-up Shop
Friday, June 18th - Saturday June 19th
10 am - 7 pm
Historic Firehouse at Fort Mason
San Francisco

I Married Adventure: the Perfume.

Elizabeth Bauer Design

I think most of us have witnessed the popularity of the vintage zebra-print book, "I Married Adventure." Osa Johnson's 1940 memoir chronicles her marriage to Martin, their life on a houseboat in Borneo, their exploits with wild animals in Kenya, and their filming expeditions in the Congo.

O Magazine

Was I surprised to open the June issue of O Magazine to see a new line of perfumes by Byredo, inspired by I Married Adventure. I love that they're styled with the vintage book!

Each fragrance comes in a 30 ml bottle and tells a unique story of a diverse origin remembering India, Africa and parts of Europe.

Vintage Girl

Who knew that this "cult-like" book would be published in almost every designer/shelter magazine this past decade. And, it's still going strong!

Lonny Magazine

House Beautiful

Decor Pad

Apartment 412

Osa & Martin Johnson

The Johnson's adventures are still being told. Osa's books prominently displayed on cocktail tables & bookshelves. Perfumes resting on vanity tables.

I bet that the Johnson's would be thrilled to know that their legacy still lives on.