Vienna Coffee House, Mark Hopkins Hotel, S.F. I was researching some old hotels and stumbled upon the website, They have beautiful vintage photographs and postcards of hotels and historical sights in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here are some of my favorites. Unfortunately, most of these cute restaurants and bars don't exist anymore. Click on the photos for a large, detailed image. Aren't the colors great?
Lobby, Mark Hopkins Hotel, S.F. {now that's Hollywood Regency}
Persian Room, Sir Francis Drake, S.F.
Barbershop, Hotel St. Francis, S.F.
Lotta's Fountain, Palace Hotel, S.F.
Fairmont Hotel Bar, S.F. {how about having a cocktail on the carousel?}
White & Gold Room, St. Francis Hotel, S.F.
Top of the Mark, Mark Hopkins Hotel, S.F.
Fairmont Hotel Lobby, Podesta Baldocchi's Shop, S.F. {Love the old Dorothy Draper carpet...they replaced it when the hotel was renovated}
All Photos Courtesy of 1428882548868287663
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