Treasure Hunting at "The Stick"

This morning I was up before sunrise to attend the 2nd month of the newest flea market in San Francisco, the Candlestick Park Antiques and Collectibles Faire. The faire is held at Candlestick Park, the home of the S.F. 49-ers, and is slated to be the 3rd Sunday of every month until football season. Cold, damp and foggy, it's still a welcome for us "die-hards" looking for treasures.

Many of the vendors are people/friends I've known for over a decade. I thought I'd do a little "show & tell" and share some of my favorite folks with you. Now let's take a trip to "The Stick!"

Jana & Trinidad are both long-time friends. Jana has spectacular taste and has the cutest "must-see" shop, Cottage Girls in Carmichael, California. Trinidad, owner of Atelier de Campagne, is an importer of French home & garden antiques. These are people you want to follow! And they both sell at the Alameda Point & Candlestick flea markets as well.

lovely European finds from Atelier de Campagne (above)
Georganne has a wonderful eye for fun and beautiful things. From cottage decor and Shabby Chic style, to French vanity pieces and mirrored furniture, you're sure to find something to carry home in your bag!

Terry Lee is another veteran in the antiques business. Terry has been selling vintage wares for over a decade and has an eye for beauty. His "styling" ability is superb. His knack for display helps you visualize a piece in your home, making it almost a breeze to decorate. Gotta stop and visit Terry!

more fine treasures from Terry Lee (above)
Marilyn has one of the prettiest booths at the antique show (s). You can overhear people "oohing and aahing" as they walk by her booth. She is also a veteran in the "business" and works with a beautiful neutral palette of white, creams, beige's and hints of black and silver. There are always swarms of shoppers in Marilyn's booth at the Alameda flea market, scooping up some of her treasures.

Ah Crystal, the genius behind Gothic Rose Antiques. Crystal has an eye for haunting antiques and curiosities that will take you to another time and place. From a Victorian-era parlor look with bewitching lighting and fine jewelry, to spooky mourning pieces and laboratory accessories, Crystal's pieces are bewitching and fascinating!

some of Crystal's eclectic finds

I've been a huge fan of Kari Lobdell since I got into the antiques business. Her amazing eye for the eclectic and wonderful is truly inspiring. Kari not only sells antiques, she is the proprietor of The Mermaid's Palace, a line of seashell, coral and rock crystal encrusted home accessories... all made by hand by Kari.

some of Kari's finds
This is Joan from Timeless Treasures doing a little shopping for her charming shop in San Francisco. Joan has impeccable taste and has a loyal following from locals, as well as tourists. Her wide assortment of accessories includes old signage and marquees, cards, jewelry, travel souvenirs and old vintage letters that can be purchased individually.
What's a flea market without food? Well, thankfully we have Laurent from Brittany Crepes & Galettes for the BEST traditional French crepes. Laurent is from Brittany, France and he and his staff make amazing fresh crepes with the finest ingredients. From a cheese, mushroom and fresh tomato "savory crepe" to a butter, sugar and lemon "sweet crepe," it's worth the drive trip to the flea market alone! {I had a ham, cheese and egg crepe this morning...started to cut into it before the photo...}

Meet Andreas. He has been in the business for, gee, years. Andreas sells at all of the local flea markets (Alameda, Alemany, Candlestick), as well as high-end antique shows such as Hillsborough. He has a beautiful inventory of items and is always willing to wheel & deal!

I took so many photos this morning that I had to collage them...heads were everywhere from clown to mummy heads...

baubles and bangles, trinkets and about these dental molds?

Okay folks, it's nap time for me. Hope you enjoyed meeting some of our outstanding antique dealers from Northern California. Next time you're in the Bay Area, be sure and stop by the new Candlestick Park Antiques Faire and do a little shopping!

Bon Appetit!

You must check out this fabulous website that I found via Di at Designer's Block (Di always finds such interesting things...)

Petrelle, a restaurant in France, has re-created the sights and sounds of their restaurant via their virtual website. Listen to the chef talking, the phone ringing, wine pouring, the cutlery & dishes clinking & clanking, slicing & dicing. And it seems to go on for awhile as if they just kept the audio going. Very atmospheric and some striking images.

Well don't dilly dally here. Go and check out Petrelle's site here. So much fun! And thanks Di for the 'head's up!'

Some Fab Finds...

Saturday was another whirlwind day with Claudia. An early start at the Clars Auction house, then hitting the shops in the North Bay. It was wonderful to see some sun! And little Vito got to spend the day with the girls too!

LOVE these groovy 1960's 'Hermes Orange' chairs that I purchased. I even found a matching orange hat in an I. Magnin hatbox!

And this large oil on board "Missionary Recruits boarding the Empress of Missions, 1926" that I won at auction. It has a real "folk art" feeling to it.

Check out Claudia's blog for more photos (coming soon) from Saturday's shopping spree! I'll sure miss her when she goes back to Miami (:

Bye Bye Miss C. Have a great trip back!

Inspiring Images...turquoise

Fortnum & Mason logo, London - Gaetan Lee

Guess what I've been up to on my day off? Pinning images, of course! Does that count as a day off?

Here are some favorite turquoise images I've come across...

rotary phone - splityarn

Mrs. French

Marshall Field's, Chicago Great Clock, StGrundy



I just love these 60's-inspired social networking ads from Brazilian ad agency Moma.

Funny, huh? The ads are currently being published in Meio & Mensagem, a Brazilian newspaper.

Bloggers & Friends...

Wish we could have one big global get together!

Have a fun-filled weekend!

image: Pedro Szekely

The Grand Tome -- Goyard

Goyard, the luxurious Parisian luggage maker founded in 1853, is coming out with a limited edition book celebrating its history, and I am drooling....(sigh)

Each of the 233 numbered and limited edition books will be locked in a trunk almost entirely customizable.

Continuing the heritage of the prestigious collections from the 1920s, this extremely limited edition publication "resonates with and celebrates the golden age of luxury travel, from horse-drawn carriages to the great transatlantic ocean liners."

This magnificent art book uses traditional letterpress techniques for the text, features its own watermarks and is printed upon custom made vellum paper à la forme of Arches Mills.

From the New York Times-- "As the pages turn, with their deep-grain photographs and written passages, some are blank, except for subtle intaglio plate marks. In their natural whiteness, produced with a 500-year-old technique of hemp lightened with the petals of a desert flower, the hand-cut pages resonate with craftsmanship."

The Goyard Book features more than 200 pages featuring photographs and descriptions of all the greatest achievements by Goyard since starting in 1792.

This book took almost a decade to put together.

The book comes in a specially designed Goyard trunk available to order in any of Goyard’s standard colors.

This "work of art" retails for €6,000, and sale is by appointment only.

Now that's not too much to ask for, is it?

photo credits: Goyard