One day my friend Janet and I were on the phone doing our usual,
"Have you seen this? Did you see that?" I wanted to show her a beautiful blog I had been following,
Such Pretty Things. Janet was way ahead of me, and had been following this blog for some time now.

Jessica of
Such Pretty Things is a designer, wife and mom, who loves an array of pretty vintage things. She loves to collect vintage textiles and wallpapers from the 1930's and 1940's. Reading her blog is the best eye-candy you can imagine,
so come follow along...
Jessica is constantly cooking or baking up a storm...making such lovely things for her daughters' birthdays, such as these decorated sugar cubes...

Custom "Juicy" invites for the party girls
How about this insanely fabulous Juicy Couture themed slumber party?

The party included a stay at a hotel and a trip to the Juicy Couture shop. Each girl was presented with a Juicy shopping bag filled with goodies that Jessica had amassed for months.

Jessica and her daughter made tiny edible fondant crowns and hearts embellished with edible pink pearls and placed them on pink cupcakes.
Can I be one of your daughters Jessica?
Everything she does inspires me, such as her "Target Tuesdays." Jessica goes to Target and buys something ordinary and turns it into extraordinary, such as this floral corsage tank top.

Starting with a simple t-shirt for $7.99 and some other supplies, she adds, embellishes, cuts and sews, until
walla! A creation is made. I love how Jessica walks you through visuals of the whole creating process, as well as a step-by-step guide to make it.
Move over Martha Stewart!
Being the candy lover that I am, here is the part that I (and Janet)
Flip Out! It's called
"The Cabinet." It's a strictly off limits to all family members and holds Jessica's beloved collection of sprinkles, sugars, and candies from all over the world. They are reserved for only for her most special baking projects.

No touching...no snacking allowed!
From craft tutorials & baking, to party ideas & interior design,
Simply Pretty Things is awe-inspiring! And, I must add that Jessica takes the most
amazing photos.
Please do yourself a favor and go visit her blog
here and her photos gallery on Flickr
here. You will be in for a treat!