Having an online shop is challenging, since you usually don't get to meet your customers face-to-face. I like to make each purchase extra-special & personalized by using pretty tissue, labels, ribbons, etc. You certainly wouldn't want to receive your package wrapped in newspaper!

Meet my assistant Dianna. Dianna has worked for
Paris Hotel Boutique for 4 years now. Dianna is the gal behind the scenes who makes everything look pretty. And she's pretty cool too, but I'll get to that later...

Being surrounded by antiques sounds pretty glamorous.
It's not. Our packing station is filled with ribbons and notions, but there are
loads of boxes, packing peanuts, bubble wrap--you name it. Constantly a state of chaos. (not sharing
those photos for sure).

Back to Dianna. She is a loyal, hard-working gal that I'm thrilled to work with. Not only does she help pack those pretty packages you receive, she's a multi-tasker and keeps things rolling along. Need ink refills?
Dianna. Silver polished?
Dianna. Post office runs?
Dianna. You didn't actually think I did all of this myself,
did you?

Dianna has an interesting background from working for Senator Dianne Feinstein & author, Danielle Steele, to being a mover and shaker in the music industry. Dianna manages one band and two artists. How does she balance being a Mom and having two jobs? Good question. I have trouble handling one job.
Dianna with Thriving Ivory at Alice Radio Station
You may have heard of Dianna's artists;
Thriving Ivory, a piano-driven pop rock band that has topped the charts with their single, "
Angels on the Moon."
Rykarda Parasol plays "rock noir" that evokes moody atmospheres and gin-drenched romanticism.
Elliot Randall, a country-rock troubadour, known for his unique songwriting.

D, thanks for being my savior for the last 4 years. Couldn't do it without you!
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