I am a big fan of Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls who is based here in San Francisco. You may have seen her work in Martha Stewart Weddings. It is just lovely.

Being a lover of hotel style, this is so refreshing that one can take classic elements of French decor, add some Neoclassical elements and top it off with some unique modern pieces. This is the concept I always try to achieve in my own home; a mix of traditional and modern. The color palette of black and white with accents of silver and gold create the look. Some crystal chandeliers, Neoclassical pieces & one-of-a-kind accents can bring that Parisian hotel feeling right into your livingroom.
This is Le Meurice Gastronomic Restaurant. Amazing...
This large portrait above my sofa is signed, "Cincinnati Opera Guild" on the back. Now this glamorous opera star is the focal point of our livingroom! Here are some more paintings in my stairwell. Don't they make such a nice grouping?
The new Spring issue of O At Home Magazine features Los Angeles event planner Mindy Weiss's home. Mindy plans the most lavish celebrity weddings. She too has an obsession with vintage lady portraits. Aren't they great?
More portraits below from parishotelboutique.com. Here's lookin' at you!
A bit more on Nicky Hilton's home. I couldn't pass up these photos of her black & white abode. Love the patent leather headboard and bench in the bedroom.
The whippets at the fireplace and this fabulous vintage Chanel serving tray that she converted into a side table. Fun!