I just love black & white decor!
Some recent acquisitions...my dear friend was doing antiquing and came across this amazing taxidermy zebra that was used as a prop in a shop window in France. It's a pretty great size. Made of cow hide over a wooden form with stripes painted on it. What a great piece! Check out her cat who had fun climbing on... It will be available on my web site very soon.
I've been working on an update for my bedroom and just purchased some rugs from Thomas Paul. They are a wonderful black and cream damask. I have listed two of them on eBay
since I actually need a larger size.
I am so excited about a recent "loan" from a friend of mine. It's a wonderful vintage bus roll sign from San Francisco. Fabulously large, it's a great piece of art! Since I am a native San Franciscan, it's even that much more special. Thanks Karen!
If you love black & white, you should check out the blog of Jhayne at black. white. bliss. She has every posting imaginable having to do with black and white, including these wonderful tiny, vintage ephemera envelopes created from an Encyclopaedia Britannica about the inventions of man available from Sushipot on Etsy.4388057088675776907